
What to do if you no longer earn money in your job?

Do you feel underpaid and undervalued at work? Gabrielle Judge, founder of the Lazy Girl Jobs movement, is here to change that. She shares her best strategies to increase your income and get the raise or promotion you deserve.

Register now for our upcoming livestream to gain insights into the following topics:

  • How to maximize your time and money at work

  • Earn more money with wage transparency

  • What to do if you feel undervalued and underpaid?

  • Strategies to get a raise through job hopping

About the speaker:

Gabrielle is leading a social revolution as the visionary CEO and content creator behind Anti Work Girlboss that is reshaping the future landscape of work. Her groundbreaking concept of the “Lazy Girl Job” has captivated millions of people each month, providing both relatable content and career inspiration. Her areas of expertise include work-life balance, branding for Gen Z employees, and forward-thinking perspectives on the future of work. Respected platforms such as NPR, BBC, and TEDx have recognized her innovative contributions and invited her to speak about her insights. Gabrielle's groundbreaking ideas have also been featured in over 10,000 global publications including the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Al Jazeera, and 60 Minutes Australia, underscoring her influential role in redefining career norms.