
Video premiere: Recordings with “Concuss” by Infrared

If you know me, you know that if you give me even a shred of conversational space to bring up tennis, you should buckle the hell up. Or walk away for the sake of your sanity. But while my sports-related, pedantic nerdiness focuses on the real, beautiful game, you should know that it extends to all racket sports—except pickleball, because that's the lamest of the lame. So when I caught wind that Ottawa's Infrared filmed her latest video on a squash court, I saw it as a sign to combine two things from my list of obsessions and shove them down the throats of decibel's collective readership. Although I'm sure more of you will appreciate the clips of MMA, boxing, football, and hockey players going at it. And some of you will even enjoy the power slap footage, even though that “sport” is even more boring than pickleball.

Infrared have a history stretching back to the mid-80s, sharing stages and rocking the Canadian asphalt with the likes of Sacrifice, Exciter, Razor and DBC, as well as fellow aging heroes Flotsam and Jetsam, Artillery and Atrophy. I'd venture to guess that they hail from the capital and cut their teeth in the same circles as Jeff Waters, which means they probably rocked out with Annihilator and opened some adult pop too.

In a few weeks the band will self-release their fourth album. manifestationan album that exists as an old school thrash album in the style of Testament and Death Angel without sounding completely old school. And here today we present the video for “Concuss”, the latest single from the record. Guitarist/vocalist Armin Kamal says about the video and the song: “Concuss is the feeling when you’ve had enough and want to show the world how to treat you! Don’t mess with me! But it’s also a nod to the metal community and how they let out their aggression in the mosh pit. The video features gladiators from our various sports with hard hitting actions and even our rhythm section doing full contact squash. Therefore the video was shot in a squash court. Serious, but not too serious. This is a sing-along anthem song and helps set the tone for manifestation as the second single.”

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