
Switzerland takes measures against drug shortages

Switzerland takes measures against drug shortages


The federal government wants to expand reserves, facilitate imports and support the production of important medicines.

Shortages of medicines are becoming more and more frequent. The Federal Council is responding to this with new measures, as it announced on Thursday.

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Relocation of production to Asia and concentration of suppliers make supply chains vulnerable. The Federal Council took short-term measures in spring 2023. A new building block is intended to strengthen supplies.

In particular, the mandatory reserve is to be expanded to include other essential medicines. In the event of shortages, medicines not approved for large patient groups in Switzerland are to be temporarily imported.

The Federal Council also wants to support the production of medicines in Switzerland. The federal government should also be able to produce medicines itself through the army pharmacy.

The Federal Office of Public Health has been commissioned to carry out the work.

Adapted from French by DeepL/ac

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