
Are you looking for a job/employee in Lubbock? I have a group for you

Why is it so difficult for employers and employees to find each other?

There are many websites and services that serve this very purpose, but the “noise” can interfere with the process – from fake/fraudulent job postings to algorithms that weed out good candidates who don’t use the right keywords.

Luckily, there's a new solution in Lubbock. Hire The LBK on Facebook.

Hire the LBK is a wonderful, hassle-free solution for job seekers and those looking for employees. The site only existed since August 4th and already has over 3000 members.

The rules are simple: no hostility towards employers or employees, no “pay-to-play” jobs, and brokers are not allowed to advertise to recruit brokers. It's all designed to keep things fair and avoid potential scams.

The group is the passion project of Tracy Cole, a professional who, among many other areas of expertise, offers services that help people perfect their resumes.

After years of helping people get hired, she has developed a keen interest in “helping people get hired – resumes, interview coaching, etc.”

I asked Tracy why she saw the need for the group and why she decided to join another project:

When I saw that a Facebook group wanted to charge people money to post about their job openings or job seekers, I thought that was wrong, especially in the current situation.

I had already lowered the prices for my resume writing services and when I saw this, I just decided to start another group.

One where I, as a neutral party, can say what employees want to tell employers and what employees want to tell employers.

The group has also been used to share employment resources like job fairs and free professional development services. And I've seen several happy posts from both newly hired and very happy business owners with new employees.

So if you're frustrated with your job search in Lubbock or looking for just the right team member, give Hire the LBK a try – unlike almost everything else, it's free and, more importantly, it's fair.

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