
Platte County prosecutor speaks out after former KCPD officer charged with killing man outside Walmart

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (KCTV) – A former Kansas City police officer is behind bars accused of a fatal shooting in a Walmart parking lot in Northland.

Taquiza Johnson, 47, served with the KCPD from 2003 to 2014, according to a police department spokesman. He is accused of shooting a 71-year-old man, Ronald Barnett.

According to court documents and surveillance video, Johnson was crossing a crosswalk when the victim, Barnett, drove by and a minor altercation occurred between the two.

But Johnson later returns as Barnett approaches the store entrance. Investigators said he got out of his car and Barnett turned around and walked toward him.

The documents show that Johnson shot Barnett two seconds later and immediately drove away.

Eight minutes later, the Missouri Highway Patrol found him at home wearing different clothing and was taken into custody.

Platte County Attorney Eric Zahnd told KCTV5 this is both disturbing and tragic.

“This shouldn't happen,” Zahnd said. “This was a man who just went to Walmart to do some shopping and tragically never came home.”

Zahnd could not comment on his time with the police, but said the entire situation was shocking.

“We've just seen too many cases where people have drawn their weapons for little or no reason and ended up dying. That's why I encourage people to try to look past the little things,” Zahnd said.

Zahnd said they would fight for justice for Burnett and his family.

“Obviously there is still a long way to go in this case,” Burnett said. “But this is a serious crime and we will take it very, very seriously.”

As of Thursday evening, Johnson is being held at the Kansas City Metro Patrol Division Detention Center; bail has not been set. A court date has not yet been scheduled.