
The story of the arrested surfer has more to offer

BELMAR – In an effort to provide the police perspective on the events that led to the arrest of a surfer earlier this week for not wearing a beach badge, Police Chief Tina M. Scott has released footage of the incident from the arresting officer's body camera.

“To be clear, Mr. Mahoney was not arrested for not having a beach tag,” Scott said. “He was arrested for hindering the officer's investigation by refusing to provide his identification or ancestry information. Mr. Mahoney was also advised that he was not allowed to leave, and he continued to walk away during this encounter.”

In the footage, Liam Mahoney, 28, of Junction City, California, is seen questioning Class Two Special Officer Ryan Braswell's authority to deny him access to 19th Avenue Beach to surf the ocean. Both men are standing in front of a manned lifeguard station not far from the shore.