
Ronda Rousey apologizes for sharing Sandy Hook conspiracy video

Eleven years after sharing a video on Twitter containing a Sandy Hook conspiracy, former UFC fighter and actress Ronda Rousey apologized, calling it “by far the most regrettable decision of my life.”

Rousey deleted the video suggesting the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting was staged shortly after it was posted, telling her followers that it was “never her intention to offend or hurt anyone.”

In a long post on X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday evening, Rousey admits that she deserved to be hated and “should have been canceled.”

“I can't tell you how many times I've re-worded that apology over the past 11 years,” Rousey wrote. “How many times I convinced myself it wasn't the right time or that I would cause more harm. But 11 years ago, I made the most regrettable decision of my life. I watched a video about the Sandy Hook conspiracy and re-posted it on Twitter. I didn't even believe it, but was so horrified by the truth that I looked for an alternate fiction to cling to instead. I quickly realized my mistake and took it down, but the damage was done.”

She said the post “miraculously” disappeared from the media radar and she was never asked about it. “So I never spoke about it again, for fear that drawing attention to it might have the opposite of the intended effect – it might increase the views of these conspiracy videos and selfishly alert even more people that I was ignorant, self-centered and insensitive enough to share it in the first place.”

She said she wanted to include an apology in her final memoirs Our fight but her publisher “asked me to take it out, on the grounds that it would overshadow everything else and do more harm than good.”

“But honestly, I deserve to be hated, labeled, loathed, despised and worse. I deserve to miss every opportunity, I should have been cancelled, I deserved it. I still do,” Rousey continued.

It was a recent “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit that convinced her she needed to apologize.

“I apologize for this coming 11 years late, but to those affected by the Sandy Hook massacre: From the bottom of my heart and soul, I am so sorry for the pain I caused,” she wrote. “I cannot even begin to imagine the pain you endured, and words cannot describe how deeply remorseful and ashamed I am for having contributed to it.”

“I have regretted it every day of my life since then and will do so until the day I die,” she continued.

Rousey concluded her apology by reminding anyone who has fallen “into the black hole of bullshit” and conspiracy theories that it does not make them “nervous or an independent thinker.”

“They will only make you feel powerless, afraid, miserable and isolated. All you will do is hurt others and yourself,” she warned. “No matter how long you have been on the wrong path, you should still turn back.”

You can read their full statement below.