
The most common crimes in New Jersey

Like every other state, New Jersey faces criminal activity ranging from drug offenses and theft to drunk driving and white-collar crime.

Like any other state, a wide variety of crimes are committed in New Jersey each year, from theft to murder. Not all crimes are committed with the same frequency; some crimes are far more common than others. Knowing the most common crimes in a state can help residents stay alert and safe, and help policymakers develop effective prevention strategies.

The six most common crimes in New Jersey

1. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI)

The most common crime committed in New Jersey is driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In 2021, 49,616 people were charged with drunk driving in New Jersey. Drunk driving is the act of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. To be considered impaired in the state of New Jersey, a driver must have a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% or more. Someone who has consumed drugs and gets behind the wheel of a vehicle can also be charged with drunk driving. If you are charged with drunk driving, you face penalties ranging from a fine and license suspension to significant jail time.

2. Fraud and economic crime

The next most common crimes in New Jersey are fraud and embezzlement. These are considered white collar crimes and include things like check forgery, credit card fraud, identity theft, or other forms of deception for financial gain. 48,226 people in New Jersey were charged with fraud in 2021. The penalties for this type of crime depend greatly on the circumstances of the case, such as the amount stolen, whether it was a first offense, and more. A person convicted of fraud typically faces fines and restitution orders, but may also face jail time.

3. Drug offenses

In 2022, there were 36,022 drug-related arrests in New Jersey. Drug offenses can include everything from possession to distribution to manufacturing of controlled substances. Drugs commonly involved in these cases include heroin, cocaine, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Research shows that drug offenses are more common in urban centers in New Jersey and that opioid use continues to be an ongoing problem in drug-related crimes.

4. Theft and burglary

Theft and burglary are common property crimes that involve unlawfully taking someone else's property. In the state of New Jersey, there were 33,977 theft charges filed against individuals in 2021, not including motor vehicle theft, which accounts for another 4,962 theft charges. Theft can include things like shoplifting or petty theft, as well as more complex crimes like identity theft. Burglary is another level of theft crimes, as it involves breaking into a home, business, or other building. The penalties for theft or burglary are varied, ranging from fines and probation to jail. These penalties depend on factors such as the amount/value of goods stolen, first-time offenders, whether a weapon was used in the crime, and more.

5. Assault and violent crime

The fifth most common type of crime in New Jersey is assault. In 2021, 27,129 people were charged with assault. Assault can include simple bodily harm, such as hitting or kicking a person—assault without a weapon—or it can include aggravated assault with a weapon, such as a knife or gun. Assault is a crime that involves attempting to cause physical harm to another person, and can range from domestic violence to bar fights to gang activity and more. The penalties for assault depend greatly on whether the offense is aggravated assault or simple assault, as well as the specific circumstances of the attack, such as whether it was unprovoked or not.

6. Robbery

Graphic of a man with a gun, crime scene tape, and the word “robbery” in front of a brick wall; Graphic by 1800420Laws, via

The second most common crime in New Jersey is robbery. In 2021, there were 1,857 robbery charges filed in New Jersey. Robbery is an escalated form of theft as it involves taking another person's property through force, intimidation, or threat, making it a violent crime. These are felonies, meaning the penalties are harsher than theft as they can carry a prison sentence of 5 to 20 years.

Understanding crime statistics for New Jersey

Like every other state, New Jersey faces criminal activity ranging from drug offenses and theft to drunk driving and white collar crime. The statistics above are actually just a snapshot of the crimes committed in New Jersey each year. Other crimes such as rape or murder do occur, although to a lesser extent than the crimes discussed in this article. Whenever a crime occurs, it is a complicated matter that can have a profound impact on the person accused. If you live in New Jersey and have been charged with a crime, it is important to seek legal counsel to navigate the complexities of the legal system and ensure a fair defense. Our law firm provides legal services throughout the state of New Jersey and legal services in many counties. We have criminal defense attorneys for Middlesex County, criminal defense attorneys for Monmouth County, and many more. Contact us today!