
Delco parents fight for safer streets ahead of new school year – NBC10 Philadelphia

Damien Hocker's face on a sign at the intersection of MacDade Boulevard and Fairview Road commemorates the events earlier this year.

The high school student was killed on his way home in April. His family is demanding action before the school year begins.

It's been four months since the Hockers lost their son, but to them it doesn't seem that long.

For the first time, they returned to McDade Boulevard and Fairview Road in Woodlyn, Delaware County.

The Hockers said the 17-year-old 11th-grader at Ridley High School was hit by a car on his way home from the gym.

“Something like this will probably happen again if nothing is done to make the intersection safer,” said his mother, Elizabeth Hocker.

With school starting here next week, she feels a renewed urge to demand change in this and other nearby areas.

The family started a petition with more than 1,500 signatures.

His parents are calling on lawmakers to help build pedestrian bridges for students and additional crosswalks, enforce compliance with existing traffic laws, and eliminate the “turn right on red” rule.

“You see large groups of kids running up and down these streets and people racing down this road just to get to the highway,” explained his father, Doug Hocker.

As they shared their story, they told NBC10 that more families are reporting near misses and nightmares from this area.

We're told at least one state legislator is calling for a road safety study to drive the changes.

The Hockers hope this happens before another tragedy occurs.

“We need to protect people who don't have the privilege of driving. Young people, older people. Young people don't always have a voice to stand up for themselves,” Hocker said.

Their son Damian was their life. Now they are fighting for change so that another student's family doesn't have to go through the same heartache.