
According to industry leaders, video games are a top entertainment medium

More than 190 million people in the United States play video games for at least one hour per week. This is according to the annual Important facts about the US video game industry Report showing that 61% of Americans ages 5 to 90 use a controller to play games.

Stanley Pierre-Louis, president of the Entertainment Software Association, said video games are one of the most important entertainment media.

“What we've seen consistently for three decades now is that people love video games and that they are an important pastime in their lives and continue to be a popular pastime,” he told Missourinet.

The report also found that the average gamer is 36 years old and the average adult gamer has been playing for 17 years.

“We found this year that 46% of people who play games are women,” he explained. “We also found that older people continue to play games as they get older. When we first conducted this survey in 1999 among people aged 50 and over, 9% said they played games. Today that number is 29%.”

According to the report, most Americans believe that video games are enjoyable, mentally stimulating and stress-relieving.

“They find that gaming improves their mental performance,” said Pierre-Louis. “There are some studies that say it slows down dementia. So you find that these positive effects also bring health benefits for different populations.”

Click here to view the report.

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