
Teacher arrested after alleged altercation with 13-year-old student in St. Helena Parish

GREENSBURG – According to the St. Helena Parish Sheriff's Department, a teacher was arrested following an alleged altercation with a 13-year-old student at St. Helena Career and College Academy.

Ambria Cook was arrested on simple assault charges following an altercation with a student on Wednesday, officials said.

WBRZ contacted the child's mother, Keisha Henry Burns, who described what happened in the classroom and said other students witnessed the incident.

“She called my child slow, couldn't read, and said he was mentally retarded and therefore needed an IEP (Internal Education Program),” Burns said.

Burns said her child does have special needs, but she said kids will be kids and the situation could have been avoided. She admitted her child hit the teacher first, but only after the teacher taunted her.

“She pulled out her hair; my child is missing hair,” Burns said

Burns is unsure whether charges will be brought against her child.

Cook's court date is set for October, according to SHPSD. Deputies did not comment on whether charges will be filed against the student.

In a letter to school staff, the superintendent of St. Helena Parish said both parties were “in the wrong” and “as educators, we have a responsibility to de-escalate situations and not allow them to escalate… On the other hand, students should also understand that physically attacking a teacher is not acceptable under any circumstances.”

Here is the full letter:

“I am writing to draw your attention to the unfortunate incident that occurred yesterday involving a physical altercation between a teacher and a student. This situation is deeply concerning and has highlighted the importance of maintaining professionalism and fostering positive relationships with our students.

First and foremost, it is important to recognize that both parties were in the wrong. As educators, we have a responsibility to de-escalate situations, not escalate them. Our role is to guide and support our students even in conflict situations. On the other hand, students should also understand that physically attacking a teacher is not acceptable under any circumstances. This incident is a stark reminder of what we must avoid when dealing with them.

The foundation of a successful learning environment is the relationships we build with our students. When they know you genuinely care about their well-being and success, they are more likely to respect you and try even harder. Yesterday's incident, which could have been prevented, has unfortunately undermined the positive progress we have made since the start of the school year. It has shaken public confidence in our school, and we are now faced with the challenge of repairing that damage.

I would like to take this moment to express my sincere gratitude to those of you who continue to consistently advocate for our students. Your dedication and love for our children does not go unnoticed, and it is only through your efforts that we will be able to restore trust and put this incident behind us.

As we reflect on what happened, we should use this as a learning opportunity. It is a call to recommit to the principles of empathy, patience and relationship building. Let us work together to create an environment where conflict is handled professionally and every learner feels valued and understood.

Thank you for your continued commitment to St. Helena Parish School District and for the positive impact you make every day. We will move forward together, stronger and more united in our mission to educate and inspire. We are STILL #StHelenaWINNING!”