
Letter: Harris and Walz are not up to the task – Post Bulletin

Let me tell you what I know about Kamala Harris. She is the most incompetent vice president I can remember. Her performance is zero. She can't get along with her staff – turnover is over 90%. When she can't answer a question, she giggles. She giggles a lot.

Biden asked her to take over her most important job, which is to control our borders. She failed miserably. She allowed millions of illegal immigrants from all over the world into our country. Kamala is a California liberal and former district attorney in San Francisco. It's sad to see what Kamala and the Democrats have done to the wonderful city of San Francisco. And now the Democrats are trying to sell her out to our country. She is unfit to run our country.

Now let me tell you about Kamala's running mate, Tim Walz. In two years with a one-vote majority in the Senate, he pushed through a socialist/liberal agenda. He ignored the fact that half of Minnesota voters were against his agenda. He turned Minnesota into California Jr.

I have to be completely frank here. As a veteran, I have no respect for Tim Walz. He is a selfish person. After Biden/Kamala pushed through Obama's globalist agenda, America was pushed into the third world. Open borders, dependent on oil from other countries including Russia, two allies involved in terrible wars, etc.

We must return to our required and necessary role as leaders of the free world. Kamala/Walz are not up to this enormous task.

Arlen BooksRochester