
Ta'Kiya Young's family marks the first anniversary of his death

The first anniversary comes 11 days after Officer Connor Grubb was charged with the murder of Young and her unborn child.

COLUMBUS, Ohio – August 24 marked one year since 21-year-old Ta'Kiya Young was shot and killed by Blendon Township Police Officer Connor Grubb.

Young was being questioned about shoplifting outside a grocery store when officers asked her to get out of the car.

Body camera video shows her driving away toward Grubb. He fired a shot through the windshield at her, killing her and her unborn child. She was six months pregnant.

Young's family met with community members, supporters and activists on Saturday to mark the anniversary of her death.

“She had so much life left, she was everyone's life, she made everyone happy. She wanted to have a little girl and she loved having a little girl,” said Nadine Young, Ta'Kiya's grandmother.

The family has held regular vigils, but on Saturday there was renewed hope for justice.

The first anniversary comes 11 days after Grubb was charged with the murder of Young and her unborn child.

“It was a long wait, almost a year, 11 months, for it to happen, and the video camera showed it. It showed that what he did was wrong, and it hurt as much as he did it. He never had to point the gun at her,” her grandmother said.

Nadine is now raising Ta'Kiya's two sons, aged four and seven.

“They're struggling, but I'm doing my best. They miss her a lot because they're used to her being there, spoiling them and doing everything she can for them, so I'm doing my best,” she said.

She said the seven-year-old wants to become a police officer when he grows up.

“He said he wanted to be a good cop, not one who hurt his mother. He told me that too, so I try to raise them right. That there are good cops, you have to listen to them, follow the rules and try to guide them in the right direction as best you can,” she said.

Nadine and her family hope for a quick trial.

Columbus Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #9 President Lt. Brian Steel issued a statement ahead of the one-year anniversary of the shooting.

“We understand this is the first anniversary of Ms. Young's death and extend our deepest condolences to the families affected by the tragic incident involving Ms. Young and Officer Grubb. Ms. Young's life mattered and our community deeply mourns the loss. While this tragedy is heartbreaking, it is important to recognize that it could have been prevented. Ms. Young and Officer Grubb made decisions that day and we must take the time to fully understand the circumstances of this incident. Our thoughts and prayers are with both families as they go through this difficult time.”