
Syrian arrested after fatal knife attack in Germany – POLITICO

The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for an attack in Solingen late Friday that killed three people and injured eight others. The militant group said the attacker was an “Islamic State soldier” and reportedly specifically targeted Christians.

The Islamic State reports said the killings were “revenge for Muslims in Palestine and elsewhere.” It was unclear how close the connection was between the attacker and the Islamic State.

Herbert Reul, Interior Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, declined to comment on whether German authorities considered the Islamic State's statement to be authentic.

Reul announced the arrest on German television late Saturday without giving details and said the investigation was still ongoing. He said police had found evidence linked to the arrested person. “The man we've actually been looking for all day has just been arrested,” he said on ARD television.

The suspect is linked to a refugee home in Solingen that was searched on Saturday, authorities said on Sunday.