
Oldest videos of sailing with 12-meter class yachts

Oldest videos of sailing with 12-meter class yachts – Part 2

by Magnus Smith August 25, 04:00 PDT

Start of Race 1 – America's Cup 1983 – Newport, Rhode Island © Paul Darling Collection

Henri-Lloyd - For the most beautiful days of your life
Coast Guard Foundation 2023 MPU

Some America's Cup fans still wish the event was held in 12 metres, but time moves on and we are now in the age of foiling sails. No matter what class you choose to race the Cup in, it can still be wonderful to look back at the beauties of the past.

In Part 1 we looked at videos from the 1930s to the 1960s, now we will cover the 1970s to the 1980s in our extensive video archive…


We start with a pretty good documentation about the America’s Cup 1970. However, it lasts a good 40 minutes (as does another documentary from the same year that focuses more on Bill Ficker, the US captain).

From the event in 1974, The main prize tells the story in a similar way.

We now see how 1979 was for Sir James Gilbert Hardy prepares for the 1980 America's Cup. This only takes 5 minutes, so there aren't as many 12-meter shots as we would like.

Early 1980s

With some poignant interviews, here is an Australian perspective on the America’s Cup 1980 referred to above.

Now we come to the most exciting year of all: 1983! Finally, the Americans have to hand over the Auld Mug to another nation. The main documentary is Australia II and the victory at the America's Cup 1983.

“The Challenge” (Part 1) and part 2 is a reenactment of the 1983 America's Cup with actors. It's not as horrific as you might expect!

Let's not forget how Canada also entered the fray that year. Challenge of the North tells that story. The Challenge 12 Syndicate also made a commemorative video.

Late 1980s

To get a taste of something completely different, listen to the The Stars & Stripes crew sings about their 1986 election campaign !

America’s Cup 1987 is interesting because the technology of the boats is discussed in detail, including by the sailors themselves. For example, at 24m00s a trip up the mast and the spreaders is examined in detail.

You have to save The best of the 1987 America's Cup for when you have 90 minutes!

To watch the 1987 America's Cup races in their purest form, there is a wide selection at

Although the Twelves were no longer used in the America's Cup after 1987, the class continued to race and still does today – see photo below!

What about the other decades?

Do you know the location of other 12m videos from before 2000 when everything was digitalized? We would love to share them with other sailors. You can send us video links for immediate review.

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