
Terrifying video shows a pod of whales surrounding a solo paddler on the other side of the Atlantic

Tom Waddington was surrounded by pilot whales

An adventurer paddling alone across the Atlantic had an unexpected encounter with a huge pod of pilot whales, an experience that left him both excited and disturbed.

Tom Waddington shared on Instagram how he was surrounded by long-finned pilot whales after a morning drizzle on his journey from Newfoundland to England on July 7.

In a video, Waddington expressed his amazement: “This is so cool. A pod of whales are circling the boat and playing with it. I think it's great, but I'm scared they might hit my rudder. They're so close, see?”

He continued: “I can hear them blowing bubbles. Wow, that's so cool. What a special treat. I've seen a lot of whales, but they're just here to say hello.”

The situation took a frightening turn when one of the whales bumped into his boat, causing him to drop the camera and briefly stop recording.

As he continued, his voice sounded concerned. “I've been out with these thousands of whales for two hours now,” he told the camera. “One of them bumped into the boat earlier and I'm really worried they might collide again. It's an incredible sight, but also very scary.”

According to the crew monitoring Waddington's journey from shore, the whales eventually swam away so he could continue paddling toward land. New York Post reported.

Although Waddington escaped unharmed, the reality of sharing the ocean with such large creatures was not brought home to him until a whale collided with his small boat. He later recounted his experience on social media, stressing that what had been a peaceful wildlife encounter had turned into a more terrifying reality.

Experts believe the whales Waddington encountered were likely pilot whales, which are known for their social nature and tendency to travel in large groups. According to NPR, these whales often form tight-knit pods and are common in the North Atlantic, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported.

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