
Logan Paul is accused of attempting to murder his dog

There are a lot of wild accusations being made on the internet. A lot of jokes being made. Usually at someone else's expense. Which I'm mostly an advocate of. The whole internet is rallying around and accusing Drake of pedophilia just because Kendrick Lamar said so in a rap… it's all in good fun.

But accusing people of attempted dog murder is going too far. I will not tolerate that on my internet blog. If you want to label someone a “dog murderer,” you better damn well know your facts. Because of all the things you can be accused of on the internet, dog murder is the worst. It goes like this:

1. Dog killer
2. Paedophile
3. Rapist
4. Library

Unfortunately, that's the state of affairs with Logan Paul. I have to admit, when I first watched the video, I thought he had pushed his dog off the boat (to get clicks). A significant portion of the internet has come to that conclusion as well.

But I'm a reasonable person. I'm not going to jump to conclusions. As fun as it would be to jump on the bandwagon and try to cross off a trophy fish the size of a Paul Brother, I'm not just going to do that without looking closely at the situation. And based on Logan Paul's explanation + the video evidence he provided, I believe the man was NOT trying to kill his dog by pushing him under a boat motor.


I'm not a fan of Logan Paul or anything. I don't hate the guy. But I certainly don't plan on defending him particularly. Except when it comes to dog murder allegations. After watching the slow motion video and hearing his explanation, I firmly believe Broley (dog) jumped off the boat of his own accord. He was crouched on the edge of the boat and a few people nervously petted his butt. Then he got excited and jumped. If you want to criticize Logan Paul for putting his dog in that situation in the first place, that's fair. He's probably not the model dog owner. It's also a little odd that he had his camera in front of his dog like that. And some might argue, “If you ever publicly state that you didn't try to kill your dog, you probably tried to kill your dog.” (i.e. that Shane Dawson YouTube guy in 2019 who “definitely didn't fuck his cat”)

All valid points. All points that give me pause. But I really don't understand how anyone can look at the slow motion footage and really believe that there was a thrust.

Look, if there's ever a good reason to cancel Logan Paul, I'm not going to stand in anyone's way. If we find out tomorrow that he, along with Andrew Tate, trafficked young Romanian women, go for it. If next week we find out that he donated money to ISIS, great. If someone hacks his bank records and we find out that he donated $10 to Barack Obama's campaign in 2012, we'll have no choice but to tie him to the back of a Jeep and drag him through the streets. But I'm not going to join in on this dog-murder witch hunt. We can't throw around such vile accusations on the Internet.