
Why isn't Trump back in prison?

Don't worry, I too have been filled with hope and joy over the last month. Based on everything I've seen over the last few weeks and during the convention, I firmly believe we will win this election.

On the other hand, certain facts remain. 45% or more of the electorate remain stubbornly devoted to Donald Trump and his lackeys. This despite witnessing the horror of January 6, revelations like the Access Hollywood tape and EJ Carroll's story, refusing to accept the obvious results of the 2020 election, facing charges of negligent treatment and stealing our country's secrets, and most importantly, openly admitting to idolizing Putin and Kim Jong Il, wanting to be a dictator, and overriding the Constitution. Written by his closest confidants, Project 25 is literally a blueprint for occupying this country's power structures. Compare it to anything the Nazis did in 1940s France, and you'll hardly see any difference – except that the reputation comes from within.

Trump, the Republicans, and the evangelical right are openly attacking this country. They want to replace our laws with laws that suit them. They want to control our media, our rights, and our bodies. They have no intention of giving up power once they have it. They are openly declaring—openly!—that they will not accept any outcome that is not in their favor. This is not democracy, folks.

And yet – and yet – half the country supports this madness. We are fighting for our lives this fall. We are facing the possibility of a fascist takeover, a party that controls our media, our communications, our economic system and our military.

Sometimes, in my darker hours, I wonder if we haven't learned anything from history. Have we forgotten the Founding Fathers and their warnings about people like Trump? Have we not learned that people like Trump and Hitler are a common recurrence?

There have been so, so many ways out so far. Republicans could have impeached and removed Trump from office in 2020. The 14th Amendment could have been invoked many times for many different reasons. Republicans could have withheld support from Trump and nominated someone – anyone – in his place. But most importantly, our country and our justice system could have held Trump accountable for his many crimes. I hope and believe that we will escape the worst this time – but I hope that we have learned our lessons for next time.