
Puca Nacua's brother Samson fights for a place in the squad with a 106-yard runback

Samson Nacua had his moment in the preseason and then he was gone in an instant.

The 26-year-old wide receiver made an incredible return of a missed field goal during the New Orleans Saints' preseason game against the Tennessee Titans on Sunday. After battling through what seemed like every Titans player and covering 106 yards, Nacua dove into the end zone. There was just one problem: He stepped out of bounds at the 3-yard line.

The play came with four seconds left in the first half. The Titans faced a first-and-tenant at the New Orleans 40-yard line. Tennessee decided to allow kicker Brayden Narveson a 58-yard field goal attempt. The Saints positioned Nacua in the end zone in case the kick fell short. It did.

Nacua caught the ball nine yards deep in the end zone and immediately ran up the field. He blocked some good balls, broke a few tackles and made several nice moves until he was racing toward the right pylon. As he approached it, his foot touched the sideline before he dove toward the goal line.

He stepped out at the 3-yard line and the time on the clock had expired, so the Saints couldn't take advantage of his work.

The video is below.

Reduce it, Samson!

It's going to be a tough time for Nacua on film this week. He did all the work and didn't come out good enough.

Nacua is the older brother of Los Angeles Rams receiver Puka Nacua. He is looking to make the Saints' roster and this move could certainly help him do that.