
GIRLS FIGHT! A Rutgers University soccer player threw a UMass girl in judo and threw a punch like Tyson

So I watched the Rutgers vs. UMass women's soccer game this afternoon to fulfill my annual quota of one game before football officially starts, and I almost fell off the couch when I saw these ladies acting so… well, unladylike! I haven't seen a fight like this since Jose Ramirez knocked out Tim Anderson last baseball season.

Ron Schwane. Getty Images.

But that was just boys acting like they were. Not the norm, but also nothing we haven't seen before. However, after watching this clip no less than 100 times, I'm not sure I've ever seen a real brawl like this in a women's sport outside of MMA. And speaking of the 100 times I've watched this clip… I still can't figure out who started it. From what I can tell, #2 from Rutgers fouled the girl from UMass. The ref blows his whistle and another girl from UMass runs over to pick up the ball and keep playing. But the girl from Rutgers keeps her foot on it, which causes the girl from UMass to press a little, which causes the girl from Rutgers to press even harder, which causes the girl from UMass to press some more… then our sweet #2 hip-slams her to the ground and lands one hell of a punch. I guess none of that happens if No. 2 doesn't foul, right? But if that girl from UMass hadn't been messing around, she might never have found out that Gia Girman can damn well fight.

5'2″? That's a real little bundle of anger. She'd kick my ass, I can tell you that. And if MLS or whatever it's called doesn't work out, I think she could have a nice future in the UFC. Rutgers fans are posting their NIL page if any of you want to jumpstart that career.

But as for the actual play, I'm not sure what happens next. What's the usual rate in women's soccer these days for kicking someone's ass? The clip makes it look like they just let her go on her own. I would guess she would have needed more of a police escort after that play. Either way, Girman won the battle…but it seems like UMass won the war.
