
Thai Union sees growth boosted by rising tuna prices and business with long-life products

Thai Union recently announced its financial results for the first half of fiscal year 2024, reporting a 3.6% year-on-year increase in revenue to THB (US$35.3 billion), a 10.6% year-on-year increase in operating profit to THB (US$1.97 billion), and a 14.2% year-on-year increase in net profit to THB (US$1.22 billion).

“The reasons for this are the continued momentum in our Ambient business and the strong performance of the Value-added and PetCare categories,” ​Ludovic Garnier, CFO of Thai Union, addressed investors on the company's recent conference call.

“In particular, the second quarter of 2024 showed accelerated sales growth and robust [profit margin] Rise to the highest level in 12 quarters [due to] More favorable exchange rates compared to the previous year, as well as higher selling prices and the recovery of demand in markets such as Europe and the Middle East.

“Sales in the first half of the year were undoubtedly led by ambient products [such as] Canned tuna, sardines and mackerel, and canned and bagged salmon; over 50% of sales come from this category.

“Rising global tuna prices have also had a positive impact on profit margins as these prices have increased steadily year-to-date from US$1,333 per tonne in the first quarter to US$1,478 per tonne this quarter – this is due to the impact of low-cost inventory levels as well as a corresponding increase in selling prices to match the current market.”

The company also stressed that its value-added products business – which focuses on higher-value and higher-cost products such as plant-based foods and fish oils – is an important category for future growth.