
Ankara and Damascus are accused of conspiring to dissolve the Kurdish autonomous authority

Kurdish political and social groups accuse Ankara and Damascus of working together to dismantle the Democratic Autonomous Administration of Northern and Eastern Syria (AANES), which governs large parts of the Kurdish areas.

The claims were made during a Control panel organized by the Syrian Democratic Assembly (MSD) on Sunday in Raqqa (Reqa), where various political factions came together to discuss the implications of the recent relations between Turkey and Syria.

Ismail Al-Khalid, researcher and author of the Democratic East Journal, stressed that neither Turkey nor Syria, which are ruled by authoritarian regimes, are truly reconciled with each other, but rather share a common goal. “This process cannot be called rapprochement because it brings neither political nor economic benefits. It is merely a strategic alignment against the autonomous administration,” Al-Khalid explained.

Fakhri Derwêş, a Kurdish politician, added that the ultimate goal of this alliance is to undermine the Autonomous Administration, especially in light of the social contract recently adopted by North and East Syria. “The reconciliation talks are a direct threat to the existence of the Autonomous Administration,” Derwêş warned.

Xazi Yasin, a member of the press office of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), shared these concerns, pointing out that although there is no formal agreement between Ankara and Damascus, they share the same goals. “Turkey is struggling with internal crises and is unable to establish friendly relations with the states in the region, but it remains committed to its goal of destroying the autonomous administration,” Yasin said.

Panel participants also discussed how Turkey uses Syrian proxy forces to advance its regional interests. “Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis, Turkey has been converting Syrian refugees into militias to pursue its goals in Syria and the wider Middle East,” said Hisên Osman, co-chair of the Raqqa Free Press Union. He added that both Turkey and Syria are united in their desire to dismantle the Autonomous Administration.

The discussion ended with a call for more attention and vigilance in the face of the common threat posed by Ankara and Damascus. Recep Al-Mushrif, a member of the MSD Public Relations Office, summed up the panel's opinion as follows: “There is no reconciliation between the two states. Their common goal is the elimination of the autonomous administration.”