
Take control of your job search | Capital City Jobs

If you're looking for a job, you may be looking for your first career position, your next move up the career ladder, or a complete life transformation by entering a different career field. No matter what type of job seeker you are, the following job search strategies will be useful.

First, start with the bottom line in mind. Know the role you're seeking and be able to describe it succinctly when asked. Know what type of company you want to work for: Is it large or small, what are its mission, vision and values, and how do they align with yours? What type of environment do you thrive in? Do you like to work collaboratively or independently? Do you work best in the office, hybrid, or 100% remote? Taking the time to answer these questions will help you focus your search and quickly identify the job descriptions that match your ideal. You only want to spend your time applying to roles that are a good fit for you. You don't just want a job, you want the job—the role that's such a good fit for you that you can envision yourself growing with the company and making it your professional home.

Likewise, before you start your job search, you need to know who you are, what you bring to the table, and why you fit the job description you just wrote. In other words, what is your personal brand? Sounds crazy? Well, that's a thing for job seekers in 2024.

Article published by Forbes And Harvard Business Review Emphasize the importance of a personal brand. Your brand is how you want to be seen by others. It's a focused exercise in defining what motivates you, your values, strengths and competencies, including the skills you want to develop in the future. Your brand also highlights your most important personal characteristics. Harvard Business Review suggests that if you're a creative person who enjoys solving problems, your characteristic is that of an innovator.

Once you have your brand under control, it is important to connect with influencers in your space and make your brand visible. And when it comes to visibility, Forbes Article recommends enhancing your brand by ensuring that your “online profiles support the qualifications listed on your resume.” Google your name because, according to Forbes“This view is most likely what hiring managers will see.”

Your personal brand must be authentic, otherwise it will not be believed. Forbes The Harris Poll's survey results show that 71% of U.S. hiring managers believe that viewing candidates' social media profiles is an effective way to screen applicants. Use this opportunity to get your brand out there.

Speaking of networking, this may sound old-fashioned, but it works. Make a list of people you know who are employed in your field of interest. Why? Because human contact is priceless, and this is your list of human contacts as part of your job search. In the digital age, you have the opportunity to build your brand online and network with people who are employed in your field of interest. Let these people know you're looking for a job, and ask if they know of any openings in their organizations. Are they willing to serve as a reference or introduce you to someone in a department that has openings? Getting permission to include a current employee's name in your cover letter or application is worth a million dollars. Especially if that person can speak to your personal brand. It builds a bridge of familiarity and adds a human touch to your digital application package.

Another way to improve your search is to work with the job search experts in your area. Community colleges and universities have career counseling departments with staff who understand every aspect of the job search process. They have the resources to help you focus your search and write your personal brand statement, cover letter, and resume. They can help you with mock interviews and provide guidance on completing online applications and submitting resumes.

Another strategy for finding your next job is to work with an employment agency. There are a number of successful employment agencies in Springfield that connect people with employers. An agency employment agent will interview you just like an employer would, gathering your work history, skills, and abilities so that you can be matched with an accurate employer. Once the agency finds you, it's up to you to nail the interview, and the agency will also help you prepare for it.

If you get the job, it might be a fixed-term contract or a temporary position with an option to take you on. This means that the company has the option to hire you right after the contract period with the agency ends. In any case, you have the opportunity to get a feel for the employer while demonstrating your skills and professionalism. It's a win-win situation.

Regardless of the economic reports in the news, there are more than 2,000 job openings in Springfield on the Indeed platform alone. Chances are good. Let this be your chance to shine.

Holly Whisler is deputy editor of the Springfield Business Journal and someone who appreciates the joy that a career of fit can bring to your life.