
What does YNS mean on TikTok? Viral slang 'horrifies' users

TikTok is notorious for its viral language that only the platform's users can understand, and the latest slang “YNS” is no exception.

Although “YNS” is not typically used in formal written language, the slang meaning “youth” has become popular on TikTok.

Although the slang has become a common topic of conversation, many TikTokers have expressed their disdain for those considered YNS.

TikTok user “milesbaguette” rose to prominence when he explained how he went to the cinema alone and was surrounded by a group of 16 and 17 year old YNS.

He said he was “horrified” when the teens younger than him started giggling when they saw him alone. But what really set the TikToker off was that he felt like he couldn't say anything back because the group was so young.

User “jonathannyc” shared his version of the slang by creating the perspective of an Uber driver who had to drive a YNS around.

When YNS got into his car, the TikToker greeted him in a friendly manner. However, he immediately treated him with disrespect. “I don't care about all that shit, brother. Shut up and drive,” said YNS.

Although it was staged, the YNS barked orders at the TikToker and even blew smoke in his face while he was driving.

“Some of these people aren’t even criminals, they’re downright villains,” one wrote in the comments.

Another TikTok, posted by user “wn.khi,” showed a police car failing to respond to a passing vehicle while a group of younger-looking men hung out the windows.

“12 don't want anything to do with them YNS,” he wrote in his video. Viewers found the TikTok funny and commented on how “wild” YNS were.

Although this term is new to the platform, other slang words have also become established in the TikTok community, including “SPWN,” which means “stop playing with me,” and “MYF,” which is short for “my fault.”