
Victim of Excelsior Springs house explosion linked to gas leak identified

Propane and natural gas are both commonly used fuels for heating and cooking, but they have key differences. Propane is usually stored in liquid form in tanks and naturally boils at very low temperatures, around -44ºF. Users of propane actually use the vapor from the pressurized liquid. Natural gas, on the other hand, is delivered to homes via pipelines and used in its gaseous state.

One important difference between the two fuels is that propane is denser than air and therefore settles and collects in lower areas such as basements, while natural gas is lighter than air and rises toward the ceiling. For this reason, propane detectors should be installed low on the wall near the floor, while natural gas detectors should be installed higher, closer to the ceiling, or on the ceiling itself, where natural gas would rise and collect. Proper installation of these detectors can provide early warning of leaks, helping to prevent potentially dangerous situations.

In the days following the explosion, the normally quiet neighborhood on Kimberly Drive was overwhelmed by a flood of onlookers. Many residents have expressed frustration with the flood of onlookers. Some neighbors reported that vehicles and onlookers drove into the neighborhood late into the night. Some even pulled into the Campbells' driveway to get a closer look at the damage with their headlights.

“It was very upsetting for the neighborhood,” said one resident who asked not to be identified. “People treat it as some kind of attraction, but this was a tragedy and it was very hard for everyone who lives here.”

For now, the public is urged to respect the privacy of residents and to give the family and neighborhood time to process the aftermath of this tragic event.