
Employees of a Sacramento diner rushed to help save motorcyclist in accident

A memorial was erected Monday after a motorcyclist was killed in a crash in Sacramento's Midtown over the weekend. Employees at Rick's Dessert Diner told KCRA 3 that they not only saw everything, but immediately sprang into action to save his life. “It was a shock. He literally flew off his motorcycle and hit the wall just feet from where I was sitting. The window was shaking. It felt like an explosion,” employee Scott Formosa said. The crash happened Sunday at the intersection of J and 24th Street. KCRA spoke to several witnesses who said a U-Haul truck collided with the motorcyclist. According to the family, the motorcyclist who was killed has been identified as 55-year-old Jose Luis Silva. Police cordoned off the intersection for several hours Sunday afternoon while they investigated the incident. Emily Vandusen, who worked at the restaurant, said she immediately ran outside to help. “I tried not to panic. And my first thought was to get towels to stop the bleeding so he wouldn't bleed to death. So I ran and got the towels and gloves so we didn't get covered in blood and just started taking them out and handing them out to people nearby,” Vandusen said. The memorial is in front of the restaurant. KCRA observed several people throughout the day stopping by to drop off flowers, candles and a cross that read Jose Luis Silva. “He was my best friend, my soul mate, and he was taken from me way too soon. We loved each other so much. He was the love of my life. We always said we were each other's missing puzzle pieces,” said Michelle Silva, Jose Luis Silva's wife. KCRA spoke with other family members at the memorial who described Silva as a great family man. He was loved by everyone and had a great sense of humor. Family members were grateful that the staff at Rick's were there to help. “They kept thanking me for bringing out the towels. And they were grateful that someone was there to help,” Vandusen said. Sacramento police are still investigating the cause of the accident. Read more coverage of the most important news in California here | Download our app | Subscribe to our morning newsletter

A memorial was erected on Monday after a motorcyclist was killed in an accident in Midtown Sacramento over the weekend.

Employees at Rick's Dessert Diner told KCRA 3 that they not only saw everything, but immediately jumped into action to try to save his life.

“It was a shock. He literally flew off his bike and hit the wall just a few feet from where I was sitting. The window shook. It felt like an explosion,” said employee Scott Formosa.

The accident happened Sunday at the intersection of J and 24th Street. KCRA spoke to several witnesses who said a U-Haul truck collided with the motorcyclist. According to family, the motorcyclist who was killed was identified as 55-year-old Jose Luis Silva.

Police blocked off the intersection for several hours Sunday afternoon while they continued the investigation. Emily Vandusen, who worked at the restaurant, said she immediately ran outside to help.

“I tried not to panic. And my first thought was to get towels to stop the bleeding so he didn't bleed to death. So I ran and grabbed the towels and gloves so we wouldn't get covered in blood, and started getting them out and handing them out to the people nearby,” Vandusen said.

The memorial was placed in front of the restaurant. KCRA observed several people stopping by throughout the day to leave flowers, candles and a cross with the inscription “Jose Luis Silva.”

“He was my best friend, my soul mate, and he was taken from me far too soon. We loved each other so much. He was the love of my life. We always said we were the missing pieces of each other's puzzle,” said Michelle Silva, Jose Luis Silva's wife.

KCRA spoke with other family members at the memorial who described Silva as a great family man. He was loved by everyone and had a great sense of humor. Family members were grateful that the staff at Rick's were there to help.

“They kept thanking me for bringing out the towels. And they were grateful that someone was there to try to help,” Vandusen said.

Sacramento Police are still investigating the cause of the accident.

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