
Redfield man sentenced to 30 days in jail for running business without sales tax license

A Redfield man convicted of two counts of forgery and two counts of operating a business without a valid sales tax license was sentenced to 30 days in jail.

Jesse Wright, 70, was convicted in July after a jury trial in Spink County.

Each of the charges is a felony, and Wright received the same sentence for all of them: ten years' probation, 30 days in jail, and four years' probation. He was fined a total of $2,466.

MORE: Redfield man convicted of operating business without sales tax license

The charges relate to Wright's operation of the Jim River Lodge and unauthorized checks he wrote in 2022.

Spink County Prosecutor Vic Fischbach said after the trial that Wright continued to operate the lodge despite a previous conviction for operating a business without a sales tax license. Wright said he rented the lodge to someone else but did not let that person operate it, Fischbach said.

In recent serious felony cases in Brown County:

  • Holly J. Hilla, 34, of Mansfield, pleaded guilty to aggravated escape. He was sentenced to two years in prison with 13 days of credit for time served and fined $117.
  • Hector S. Villarreal, 20, of Aberdeen, pleaded guilty to attempted burglary for attempting to enter another person's residence. A prison sentence of seven years and six months was suspended. She must serve four years of probation and was fined $617.
  • Lance Beitelspacher, 44, of Aberdeen, pleaded guilty to possession of methamphetamine. He was sentenced to 60 days of home confinement with credit for time served, three years of probation and fined $617.
  • Nicholas R. Bomar, 31, of Aberdeen, pleaded guilty to burglary and received five years' probation for entering another person's residence with intent to steal. He was released on two years' probation, given credit for 38 days served in jail and fined $1,117.