
Hearing of Waterville man accused of murder postponed due to concerns about sanity

AUGUSTA, Maine (WABI) – The Waterville man accused of killing a co-worker was in court this afternoon to plead guilty to murder, but the judge rejected the confession, questioning his mental state. The victim's family hopes justice will be served in the end.

Spridal Hubiak is accused of killing 52-year-old Angela Bragg last December at Damon's Beverage in Waterville where they worked. He attempted to plead guilty this afternoon.

After questioning his lawyers, the judge said she had doubts about Hubiak's sanity. His lawyers told the judge that the guilty plea was against their advice.

The judge said she could not grant the request and ordered Hubiak to take a competency test within the next 30 days.

The victim's family and friends reacted to the decision.

“I understand what the judge is trying to do, so there is something to fall back on, but some people have to understand that there are just evil people out there, and that's exactly what he is, and he will be convicted,” said Caitlyn Bragg, Angela's daughter.

“This is not justice. Justice will be done when he goes to prison because there are a lot of people there who call her 'mommy.' She has a lot of friends there. I just feel sorry for him. I hope he has made his peace with God because he will have to,” added Dave Bragg, Angela's ex-husband.

Hubiak is due back in court on October 11. The judge will then make a decision on the application based on the results of the suitability test.