
To protect the eagles, hunters receive a discount on lead-free ammunition

ALBANY, NY — The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) is expanding a multi-year study to determine whether increased use of non-lead ammunition in deer hunting can help improve the survival of bald eagles and golden eagles.

As part of this effort, hunters across the state will be eligible for a refund of up to $60 for the purchase of lead-free ammunition during the 2024-25 deer hunting season.

The study was initially available in certain Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) but is now being expanded to all WMUs where hunting of deer with firearms is permitted. The aim is to minimize the risks to wildlife and people from hunting ammunition containing lead.

According to DEC, the use of lead-free ammunition reduces the risk of scavengers, such as eagles, being inadvertently exposed to toxic lead fragments from bullets.

The study also looks at lead-related mortality among eagle populations, which may slow population growth. While the golden eagle population in the eastern United States is relatively stable, several human-caused threats remain. Even though the bald eagle population in New York is recovering, lead-related mortality is a factor hindering population growth.

The rebate program is voluntary and aims to encourage hunters to participate in pre- and post-hunt surveys. In addition, the study and rebate program are planned to continue for the 2025 and 2026 hunting seasons.

For more information about the program, help finding ammunition, and to apply for the program, visit



New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC),

deer hunting,



Wildlife Management Unit (WMU),

lead-free ammunition