
The communications director of the city of Fort Worth is accused of acting on his own initiative

Several members of the Fort Worth City Council accuse Communications Director Reyne Telles of acting on her own initiative by releasing a statement without the approval of the City Council – thereby placing Telles' opinion above that of the City Council.

Telles waded into a sensitive topic over the weekend by releasing a statement on social media following the death of Fort Worth police Sergeant Billy Randolph. While the death was tragic, it also exposed the cracks in the city when Fort Worth police Officer Jimmy Pollozani criticized a handful of city council members for not showing up for Rudolph's funeral.

To counter Pollozani, Telles took to social media – and even tagged the city council in his post, an action that had not been approved.

Telles has since deleted the post, but the effects were already being felt.

“Fort Worth city leaders have released a statement distancing themselves from police spokesman Jimmy Pollozani after he made a personal social media post criticizing three of the four council members who did not attend a police funeral,” Scoop Jefferson posted on X.

As previously reported by The Dallas ExpressPollozani reprimanded three Fort Worth City Council members for failing to attend the funeral of Sergeant Billy Randolph, who was killed in the line of duty earlier this month.

“Three members of the Fort Worth City Council, often referred to as the 'Fort Worth Squad' – Chris Nettles, Jared Williams and Elizabeth Beck – will NOT be attending Sergeant Bill Randolph's funeral,” wrote Jimmy Pollozani, president of the Fort Worth Brotherhood of the Fallen, in a now-deleted Facebook post.

Fort Worth city councilors want to find out how Telles got his first job.

“I think it is important that the council has the opportunity to examine it,” said City Councilor Charles Lauersdorf DX.

“My opinion did not agree with that and I let Reyne know that,” Lauersdorf said.

Lauersdorf said DX that Telles' statement appeared to come from the entire Council, although the majority of the Council had not been informed of the statement in advance.

“This statement did not reflect my opinion,” said Lauersdorf.

“I don’t think it sends the right message to the police,” said Lauersdorf DX.

Council member Alan Blaylock echoed Lauersdorf’s comments.

“A statement was recently posted on the City of Fort Worth website that was attributed to the Fort Worth City Council. However, neither I nor several of my fellow council members were consulted or informed by city staff about this communication. I only learned about it through inquiries from constituents and the media,” Blaylock said. DX.

“It is unacceptable for statements to be made on my behalf or on behalf of my office without proper consultation. I have since spoken with the city manager to resolve this matter and steps are being taken to ensure this does not happen again,” Blaylock said.

The Dallas Express I asked Telles for comment, which prompted him to issue a statement without consulting the full Council, but received no response.