
“Deadpool Killer” Wade Wilson sentenced to death for murdering two women

Wade WilsonOften referred to as the “Deadpool Killer” because of his similarity in name to the Marvel character, was sentenced to death for the murder of two women from Florida.

A grand jury indicted the 30-year-old in 2019 for premeditated murder Kristine Melton35, and Diane Ruiz43. Wilson confessed to police shortly after his arrest that he had killed both women on October 7, 2019.

In June, after he was found guilty of the murders, a jury decided by two votes that he should be sentenced to death. Lee County District Judge Nicholas Thompson agreed at a hearing on August 27.

“The evidence showed that both murders were heinous, cruel and savage,” he wrote in the verdict obtained by E! News, “and that the second murder was cold-blooded, calculated and premeditated.”

Wilson's lawyer said he would appeal the death sentence and said Newsweek after the verdict that his client “understands the law and knows what it takes to override a jury's recommendation.”