
Should you finish the job or betray the Hutts in Star Wars Outlaws?

Villains in the underworld are always choosing new sides, and in Star Wars Outlaws you must decide whether to finish the job or betray the Hutts. My guide will explain which option is best and what consequences you can expect after making your choice.

Should you betray the Hutts or finish the job in Star Wars Outlaws?

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You should definitely betray the Hutts during the Sabotage mission. When you finally enter the Operations Facility and secure the list, your contact from the Crimson Dawn appears behind you. They want you to give them the list instead of giving it back to the Hutts, the faction that originally gave you the mission. Of course, that's not necessarily a suggestion, as you can clearly see both characters reaching for their blasters while making a decision. I decided to betray the Hutts, and it worked surprisingly well for everyone involved.

If you give the list to Crimson Dawn, your reputation with them will increase tremendously and you can expect a reward after completing the mission. In the meantime, you still have to sabotage the base. You can plant the explosives and do the rest of the work. Even without the list, Kay can go to the Hutt contact and claim half of the expected reward. This even means some reputation gain for the Hutt Cartel. Unless you love the Hutts, this is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

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Those of you who hate Crimson Dawn can finish the job and keep the list. However, this might result in a gunfight and some loss of reputation with Crimson Dawn. The Hutts will be much happier with your job and you will receive full pay and much more favor from them. But you also lose more on the downside in the process. Overall, betraying the Hutts seems to be the more lucrative move for Kay. Either way, it's better to help Gorak and his plans.

Star Wars Outlaws is now available for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox.

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