
When her colleague didn't stop insulting her, she decided to annoy her with a punk song so much that she quit the job altogether » TwistedSifter

When her colleague didn't stop insulting her, she decided to annoy her with a punk song so much that she quit the job altogether » TwistedSifter

Sometimes the best way to deal with an arrogant colleague is to use your own frustration against him.

This person's colleague was making her life difficult with constant insults, so she decided to try a completely different tactic – music!

Let's see how she turns the tables with a little punk rock.

Many, many, many years ago, when I was 20, I worked in an office.

We were all friendly to each other until we had a temp who thought she was better than all of us.

Let's call her N.

She doesn't like me at all and keeps telling me that I'm just a stupid farm girl because I come from a small village in the rural part of our country.

She was constantly poking me with nasty comments.

She said things like, “I'm not as pretty as her,” “I'm stupid,” and especially about my voice being too deep for a girl, and “Please don't sing, it's awful.”

At least she was right about the latter.

That was too easy.

We were always listening to the radio and one time this song by Johnny Rotten came on: “This is not a lovesong.”

(By the way, when I was 15 or 16 I loved punk).

So I sang along to this song very, very loudly.

N started yelling at me to be quiet because she hated that kind of music and could understand why I liked it.

She just gave me a way to annoy her without it being too obvious.

Every time she turned off the radio, which she did very often, I started humming and then singing, “This is not a love song.”

Some of my colleagues started to join.

It took about two weeks before she angrily told us that she couldn't work in such a messy place.

This is one opportunity to teach her a lesson!

Here's what the fine folks at Reddit had to say about this tactic.

That would have been a great comeback!

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Temporary workers have a bad reputation.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

Someone who is a fan of Sid Vicious.

Source: Reddit/Petty RevengeSource: Reddit/Petty Revenge

She is far too sensitive.

It was almost too easy to chase them away.