
District Attorney Bray Announces Conviction of Williams on Capital Crimes | News

GUNTERSVILLE – A Marshall County jury found Kenov Yenovi Williams guilty on all five counts Wednesday afternoon after a five-day trial.

In connection with the deaths of Elias Gaspar Lopez and Enrique F. Rodrigues Alvarado, Williams was found guilty of the following capital crimes: murder of two or more persons, murder of Elias Gaspar Escobar Lopez during a first-degree robbery, murder of Enrique F. Rodrigues Alvarado during a first-degree robbery, and murder by or by means of a deadly weapon against a victim in a vehicle.

In addition, Williams was convicted of criminal conspiracy to commit first-degree robbery.

The case was prosecuted for the state by Assistant District Attorney Ed Kellett and Deputy District Attorney Mara Russell.

The state presented numerous witnesses and pieces of evidence that proved Williams was an active drug dealer. After learning that his accomplices had been defrauded, Williams hatched a plan to frame the victims in the case by posing as someone interested in purchasing drugs.

Through several witness statements and Snapchat data, the state was able to prove that Williams intended to rob and murder the victims.

“Williams' heinous actions at Taco Bell that night in September 2021 changed the lives of many,” said Marshall County District Attorney Jennifer Bray. “My deepest sympathies go out to the Lopez and Alvarado families whose children were taken from them far too soon.”

“I know this trial has been difficult for them, but I am confident that the jury's decision to convict Williams and the fact that he will spend the rest of his life behind bars gives them some sense of justice.

“For a capital crime, the only possible penalties upon conviction are life imprisonment without the possibility of parole or the death penalty. Although Williams was convicted of a capital crime, the state decided, for a variety of reasons and after consultation with the victims' families, not to impose the death penalty in this case.

“This afternoon, Judge [Chris] Abel sentenced Williams to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the capital crime of murder and the maximum sentence of 20 years for conspiracy to commit first-degree robbery. We thank Judge Abel for ensuring that Williams will never have to live outside of a prison cell. We also thank the jury for their faithful service throughout this trial.

“I am grateful to Chief ADA Kellett and ADA Russell for all of their hard work and dedication to justice in this case. I would also like to thank Riley Chandler, Chief Investigator Josh Gaskin and Special Agent Jimmy Miller for their assistance throughout the trial.

“The Guntersville Police Department did an excellent job investigating this case and, as always, our office is grateful for the work they do. We appreciate the diligent work of Deputy Chief John East and former GPD Investigator Doug Ware on this case.”