
Lehigh County commissioners address jail suicides, mental illness | Lehigh Valley Regional News

ALLENTOWN, Pa. – County business was overshadowed Wednesday by discussions about crime, mental health and support following the decision of an inmate who was found unconscious in his cell at the Lehigh County Jail earlier this week.

Inmate Arturo Wright, 32, was pronounced dead Tuesday at St. Luke's Hospital, Allentown Campus, according to a prison news release.

The cause of death is given as suicide.

“A tragedy of this nature is very, very painful … for those affected, for the first responders on the scene … and for those who feel their pain in these moments,” Lehigh County Commissioner Jon Irons said Wednesday at the start of the commissioners' business meeting.

Irons took the opportunity to find out what mental health resources the county has available for those affected, such as calling 988 or contacting the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Lehigh County.

“Any loss of life through suicide is tragic,” Irons said.

Officials said they attempted to save Wright's life before he was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Officials said they attempted to save the man's life before he was taken to the hospital by ambulance.

Wright was booked into the Lehigh County Jail on August 25.

Irons also stressed the importance of completing the county's ongoing investigation into this death.

“Right now we have more questions than answers,” Irons said.

During a public hearing, Enid Santiago, co-founder of SELF! LV Women's Reentry in Allentown, expressed her concerns about the prison's intake system.

“As soon as you enter this prison, you experience trauma,” she said.

She also called on the district to thoroughly investigate the incident.

“I have many, many, many questions,” Santiago said.

She also instructed commissioners to investigate “how this can never happen again in our city and in our criminal justice system.”

“This person deserves mercy, he deserves respect and he deserves to be saved,” she said.

Public commentator Susan Jordhamo addressed the mental health needs of prisoners and the impacts that incarceration can have, particularly when coupled with solitary confinement.

“Solitary confinement is characterized by loneliness,” she said.