
Thailand: Court sentences son of famous Spanish actor to life imprisonment for murder

This article was originally published in Spanish

Sancho, a chef and YouTuber, escaped the death penalty for a murder he denies but could face life in prison while he appeals.


A court in Thailand on Thursday found Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, a member of a famous Spanish acting family, guilty of premeditated murder and sentenced him to life imprisonment for murder.

Sancho, a 30-year-old chef with a YouTube channel, was convicted of killing Edwin Arrieta Arteaga, a 44-year-old plastic surgeon from Colombia, while both men were vacationing on the Thai resort island of Koh Pha-ngan in August last year.

The island is famous for its monthly full moon beach parties, which attract travelers from all over the world to the nightly raves.

The case came to light when garbage collectors found something in a bag at a garbage dump that, according to the local press, contained body parts.

Shortly afterward, Sancho reported Arrieta missing to police, and police gathered evidence linking the two men. He was arrested by Thai police a few days after the murder and later confessed to his involvement.

Police allege that Sancho himself confessed to the murder and planned it after Arrieta threatened to embarrass him and his family by revealing their alleged sexual relationship.

Sancho, through his father and his lawyers, said this was a distorted version of his statement to the police and denied having had a sexual relationship with Arrieta.

Police obtained surveillance video showing Sancho allegedly buying a knife, rubber gloves, garbage bags and cleaning supplies at a supermarket before Arrieta's death, which prosecutors said bolstered the premeditated murder charge.

The trial, which took place in April and May this year, was held behind closed doors and little information was made available to the media.

Due to the seriousness of the crime and the likelihood of a harsh sentence, the case was heard by a panel of five judges from the Koh Samui Provincial Court in southern Thailand.

During the trial, Sancho's defense focused on ruling out premeditation in the crime, arguing that Arrieta's death was an accident and that the only crimes committed were the concealment and dismemberment of his body.

The prosecution, on the other hand, claimed from the beginning of the trial that Sancho murdered Arrieta intentionally. According to their argument, Sancho arranged his meeting with Arrieta to end the Colombian doctor's life.

Court proceedings and important witness statements

The 25 witnesses for the defense included police officers, a psychologist and a saw expert, who wanted to use their testimony to support the theory of accidental death.

Sancho's own testimony lasted two full days. In his closing argument, Sancho told the court that he regretted his actions, Spanish newspaper El País reported.

“I'm sorry that a life was lost and that parents lost a son,” Sancho said. “I'm sorry that his family couldn't give him a dignified burial. I'm sorry for what I did after he died.”


While the defense had hoped for a prison sentence of no more than eight years, the court opted for life imprisonment – but thereby ruled out the death penalty, which under Thai law is only provided for extremely serious cases.

The court also awarded Arrieta's family a payment of 119,000 euros.

During the reading of the verdict, Daniel Sancho Bronchalo was accompanied by his parents Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo, both actors who were present throughout the trial.

While the defense had hoped for a prison sentence of no more than eight years, the court opted for life imprisonment – but thereby ruled out the death penalty, which under Thai law is only provided for extremely serious cases.


The court also awarded Arrieta's family a payment of 119,000 euros.

Sancho's lawyers have the opportunity to appeal the verdict.