
AAA Texas found that gasoline prices are lower before Labor Day this year

Traffic is a major factor for residents on Labor Day, as many plan trips over the holiday weekend. AAA Texas found that gas prices are slightly lower for regular unleaded, which averages $2.99 ​​per gallon in the state.

“Texans planning a Labor Day road trip will pay less at the pump than last year,” said Doug Shupe, AAA Texas representative. “AAA Texas encourages drivers to save even more on fuel costs by storing all their luggage in the car instead of using over-seat luggage racks, obeying speed limits and making sure tires are properly inflated before driving.”

In Houston, the price of gasoline fell 43 cents to $2.99 ​​compared to last year's average price of $3.42 per gallon on August 22. In Galveston-Texas City, the price of gasoline fell to $3.03 compared to last year's average price of $3.43. However, prices can be higher than $3 at some stations.

The statewide average price of gasoline was 46 cents lower. According to AAA Texas, this is the first time the statewide average has fallen below $3.

On Labor Day, people not only travel by car, but also fly from Houston to various points across the country. Houston airports expect nearly 888,000 travelers over Labor Day weekend.