
CT couple charged with cruel greyhound abuse – Greyhound Rescue & Rehab leads ‘Justice for Midnite’ campaign

(Photo: Business Wire)

LITCHFIELD, Connecticut, August 29, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–In a decision that shocked animal rights activists across the country, a Connecticut couple charged with aggravated animal cruelty have been granted expedited rehabilitation, a diversion program that can lead to dismissal of charges if successfully completed. This ruling followed accusations of starving their retired racing greyhound, Midnite.

According to Dr. Kathryn Panigrahi, DVM, Midnite suffered from extreme emaciation, consistent with prolonged captivity and starvation. “The degree of muscle atrophy and infected wounds Midnite sustained from lying on hard surfaces demonstrate the severe neglect he experienced.” Midnite was found in a near-death state on the street by a good Samaritan in March 2024. Regional animal control took him in and diagnosed him with critical emaciation and dehydration, consistent with months of starvation.

The prosecutor acknowledged that the neglect and abuse would have been even worse had Midnite not escaped. Despite the severity of the abuse, the judge's hands were tied by legal constraints, resulting in a misdemeanor charge — not a felony — that gave first-time offenders expedited rehabilitation. This decision has sparked outrage among animal rights activists.

The Justice for Midnite campaign, which mobilized over 60 supporters from several states, is demanding justice and legal reforms. Christine Johnson, president and founder of Greyhound Rescue & Rehab (GRR), condemned the court's ruling: “Midnite's treatment was a gross injustice. It is heartbreaking to think of the trauma he suffered. This case should have warranted a felony charge.”

The court ruling allows the couple to avoid a criminal record after completing their probation, which includes paying $5,200 in restitution, 100 hours of community service, psychiatric evaluations and refraining from owning animals for two years. However, if they appeal, the charges will be dropped in 2026 and they will be allowed to adopt again.

The Justice for Midnite campaign considers this leniency to be insufficient and calls for stricter penalties and preventive measures. GRR calls on its supporters to demand legislative action to prevent similar injustices using the hashtag #JusticeForMidnite.

Johnson promises to work for justice reform that ensures that serious cases of animal cruelty have the appropriate legal consequences. “We must fight to ensure that no other animal has to go through what Midnite went through,” Johnson stressed.

For more information and to support the campaign, visit

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Christine Johnson, President and Founder
Greyhound Rescue and Rehabilitation (GRR)
[email protected]