
Why Generation Z is overtaking baby boomers at work is worrying managers: “The age of authority is falling”

Generation Z has a bad reputation for being the “most difficult” generation to deal with, and reports suggest they will outnumber the Baby Boomers by the end of the year and take over the workforce.

What does this mean for bosses?

A 2023 ResumeBuilder survey found that 49% of business leaders and managers say working with this group is difficult most or all of the time, and a majority agreed that Generation Z—or Zoomers—lack effective communication skills, motivation, commitment, and in some cases even technical skills.

Generation Z is cynical about the future, while the majority say the cost of living is the most important election issue

According to a survey, working with Generation Z employees is considered more difficult than with other generations. (iStock / iStock)

75 percent of respondents said that working with this group was “more difficult than with other generations.”

Dr. Tim Elmore, author of A New Kind of Diversity and CEO of Atlanta-based nonprofit Growing Leaders, specializes in helping multigenerational groups develop into productive team members.

“My research has shown that working with Generation Z is challenging for a number of reasons. They often leave college with little work experience because their parents encourage them to focus on their studies. Additionally, having grown up in front of screens, they often have lower levels of emotional intelligence than previous generations of youth,” he told Fox News Digital.

“The most important reason for employers, however, can be summed up in two strong contrasts,” he added.

“First, the age of authority is decreasing. Consider this: Young professionals often begin their careers with a better understanding of social media and how to monetize it. They seem to understand what young consumers want, and they have a deeper sense of where the culture is heading. Second, at the same time, the age of maturity is increasing. Several university deans have told me, ‘26 is the new 18.’ They mature socially and emotionally later than previous generations of young graduates.”

This is worrying for managers, he stressed, because they may hire employees who are unable to handle tough feedback. They may be overconfident or conceited and avoid conflict.

“I think bosses need to listen a little more and coach their employees a little more than they used to,” said Dr. Elmore.

Some speculate that their unusual entry into the workforce with hybrid or fully remote internships and jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic may be partly to blame.


Apps on a mobile phone, including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat

Generation Z is generally viewed as tech-savvy, which may give them an advantage in the workplace but a disadvantage in other areas. (Anna Barclay / Getty Images)

According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, Generation Z workers have a hard time bonding with their coworkers and may need additional guidance on “workplace norms,” especially from mentors.

The age group of those born between 1997 and 2012 has presented new challenges for employers, who must look for ways to increase employee engagement, improve their communication skills and even offer them new benefits such as “on-site therapists,” the article said.

The same report examined the case of Xapa CEO Christine Heckart. She identified Generation Z workers as people who are searching for meaning in their work and argued that they need guidance and support to grow in their roles.

“They want security and a chance to matter. If they're not listened to, if they're not given a chance to grow, if they're not valued, they're going to drop out pretty quickly,” she said, according to the outlet.

Generation Z influencer Christian Hodges thinks it's a smart move for companies to focus on orienting Zoom employees.

“We are the first generation to be fully immersed in technology from birth. Our brains are naturally wired for regular feedback and doing meaningful work,” he told Fox News Digital. “The easiest way to get both in one fell swoop is to have a mentor.”

He added that mentors have had a profound impact on his own life and that Generation Z employees need mentoring to encourage “personal responsibility,” “professional growth,” and “spiritual guidance.”


“Gen Z should not be left alone to find all three,” he said, encouraging Generation X, Baby Boomers and Millennials to find a young person who reminds them of themselves, “to be ready to [their] Ups and downs” and advise Generation Z “where they are”.

Cat Ward of the non-profit organization Jobs for the Future also sees the need for change. She pointed out that employers already know that Generation Z is entering the workforce in droves and they need to adapt accordingly.

“They grew up with a different philosophy. And they are the product of the 'everyone gets a trophy' philosophy,” famous TV judge Judy Scheindlin told Fox News Digital in May about this age group.

The criticism focuses on the bad reputation Zoomers have in popular culture, accusing them of laziness, tech obsession and a sense of entitlement that many believe carries over into the workplace.

Some, like Scheindlin, suspect that it is a side effect of being pampered by parents.


According to the WSJ report, Generation Z's priorities have shifted compared to previous generations, as evidenced by what they want from their employer when asked, including their desire for on-site therapy, which is now used across generations.

“Twenty-five or 30 years ago, it might have been a gym,” says DJ Casto, chief financial officer at credit card issuer Synchrony Financial, adding, “Today, it's someone helping me figure out how to improve my mental well-being.”

Fox News' Jeffrey Clark, Cortney O'Brien and Joshua Comins contributed to this report.