
Watch previously unseen footage showing “a Saudi 9/11 suspect scouting Washington DC” and saying “there are demons in the White House”

A previously unreleased video seized by British police shows a suspected Saudi spy and first 9/11 suspect scouting Washington DC before the deadly attack on the Twin Towers.

Footage shows him scouting government buildings in the capital and saying in Arabic: “They say our children are demons. But these are the demons of the White House.”


The footage shown in court showed Omar al-Bayoumi giving a speech in front of the Capitol in Washington DC.
He tells viewers that there are “demons in the White House”


He tells viewers that there are “demons in the White House”
He pans the camera to the Washington Monument and promises to “report back.”


He pans the camera to the Washington Monument and promises to “report back.”
He films a row of limousines in front of the Capitol


He films a row of limousines in front of the Capitol

The hour-long recording was filmed two years before 9/11 and shows him saying, “Your cars. That's what you said in the plan,” as he points to limousines outside the Capitol.

At one point he turns to his “brothers” and says, “I will tell you in detail what is there,” as the camera pans to the Washington Monument.

As he speaks to the viewer, the film pans over famous landmarks such as the White House, the Capitol, the Potomac River and the Smithsonian Institute.

The man behind the camera is Saudi Arabian Omar al-Bayoumi, then an elderly student living in Birmingham, who later insisted to British police that it was merely a tourist video.

As part of an ongoing civil case in New York, a short clip of his DC video has resurfaced and been shared by Sky.

Survivors and families of the September 11 tragedy are trying to sue the Saudi government for complicity in the attacks.

Ten days after 9/11, Scotland Yard officers raided Mr al-Bayoumi's home and arrested him, seizing the footage as evidence.

He was monitored by anti-terrorism investigators for a week but was later released without charge.

The FBI identified him as a Saudi intelligence agent – ​​both the Saudi government and he himself deny this, as well as any involvement in 9/11.

About a year later, Al-Bayoumi said he had unknowingly befriended two of the men who later flew one of the hijacked planes into the Pentagon, killing 189 people.

A declassified FBI report released in 2021 said the hijackers, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Midhar, entered the United States in 2000 disguised as students.

The memo said they received logistical support from Mr al-Bayoumi, who allegedly helped them with “translation, travel, accommodation and financing.”

Sources also told the FBI that despite his official status as a student, he frequently visited the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles.

The documents show that he corresponded with a logistics partner of Osama bin Laden, the Saudi Arabian terror mastermind behind September 11.

The Twin Towers in Manhattan were hit by two passengers - kidnapped by Al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001


The Twin Towers in Manhattan were hit by two passengers – kidnapped by Al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001
Smoke pours out of the Pentagon after it was hit by a hijacked plane on September 11


Smoke pours out of the Pentagon after it was hit by a hijacked plane on September 11Photo credit: EPA

Three years ago, the plaintiff's legal team asked the British Metropolitan Police to search through its archives and provide them with all relevant information from the investigation into Mr al-Bayoumi.

It is not clear whether the tape was originally sent to American authorities in 2001.

About eight detectives spent months combing through more than 100 boxes of archive files when they came across the video.

Gavin Simpson, the plaintiffs' lawyer, told the judge: “A wealth of evidence seized by the Metropolitan Police enables Your Honour, the public and the families of the 9/11 victims to see for themselves the mechanism by which Saudi Arabia assisted the 9/11 hijackers.”

“Bayoumi's videotape had all the hallmarks of al-Qaeda scouting out a terrorist target.”

One of the plaintiffs, 9/11 survivor Sharon Premoli, was speaking during recent court hearings when the video was played.

She said: “Al-Bayoumi’s language was very distressing.

“He used two words in particular: one was the 'demons' in the Capitol and the other was 'the plan' that he was referring to. It's not a tourist video, he scouted the buildings and the area.”

“It is wonderful that the Metropolitan Police have been able to secure this information, but it is unfortunate that we have had to wait so long for it.

“We don’t know how long anyone in the U.S. government had the material.

“We know that the FBI and the CIA did not help each other and that a lot of things were overlooked.

“It's also possible that the Bush administration had it and decided not to do anything with it to protect the Saudis.”

Ms Premoli was on the 80th floor of one of the Twin Towers when the planes struck and managed to escape the attack that killed nearly 3,000 people.

The court was also shown a notebook linked to the British investigation into Mr al-Bayoumi, which contained a drawing showing the distance between an aircraft, the ground and the horizon.

His lawyer claims it was part of his teenage son's homework.

A 9/11 commission that investigated the attacks and the events leading up to them concluded that Mr al-Bayoumi was not involved in the terrorist attack.

The British authorities did not hand over the notebook or the tape to them, Sky reports.

The Saudi government had previously denied any involvement in planning or supporting the September 11 attacks.

September 11 survivor Sharon Premoli spoke during the court hearing after the video was shown


September 11 survivor Sharon Premoli spoke during the court hearing after the video was shown
Smoke rises over the New York skyline after the September 11 attacks


Smoke rises over the New York skyline after the September 11 attacksPhoto credit: AP
The shots pan over the Potomac River in DC


The shots pan over the Potomac River in DC
He films at the Smithsonian Institute in DC


He films at the Smithsonian Institute in DC

23 years after September 11

BY Ellie Doughty, foreign news reporter

September 11, 2024 marks 23 years since the horrific terrorist attack on the World Trade Center – the “Twin Towers” ​​– in New York City.

In a series of coordinated suicide attacks, four passenger planes were hijacked by 19 extremists.

The first two planes headed for the Twin Towers, the other two aimed for Washington DC

The third hit the Pentagon in Virginia and the fourth crashed in rural Pennsylvania when passengers overpowered the terrorists on board.

The September 11 attacks killed 2,977 people, making it the most devastating terrorist attack in history.

Up to 25,000 people were injured.

In response, the United States waged a global war on terror for decades.

Here is a timeline of the horror attacks:

  • 5:45 am – Hijackers pass through security in Portland, Maine, and board American Airlines Flight 11, bound for Boston.
  • 7:59 am – American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston for Los Angeles. On board are 76 passengers, 11 crew members and five hijackers.
  • 8:15 a.m. – United Airlines Flight 175 with 51 passengers, nine crew members and five hijackers on board takes off from Boston to Los Angeles.
  • 8:20 a.m. -American Airlines Flight 77 takes off from Washington, DC. On board the plane are 53 passengers, six crew members and five hijackers.
  • 8:42 am – United Airlines Flight 93 takes off from Newark. On board the plane are 33 passengers, seven crew members and four hijackers. The flight's destination was San Francisco.
  • 8:46 am – Flight 11 crashes into the north tower of the World Trade Center.
  • 9:03 am – Flight 175 hits the south tower of the World Trade Center.
  • 9:36 am – Vice President Dick Cheney is evacuated by Secret Service agents to an unknown location.
  • 9:37 am – Flight 77 hits the Pentagon building in Washington, DC.
  • 9:45 am – The US Capitol and the White House are evacuated.
  • 9:59 am – The South Tower was the first to collapse after burning for about 56 minutes.
  • 10:03 am – United Airlines Flight 93 crashes into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Passengers and crew storm the cockpit of the hijacked plane. All passengers on board are killed.
  • 10:28 am – The north tower collapses.
  • 8:30 p.m. – President George W. Bush gives a speech from the White House about the attacks. Almost 3,000 Americans were killed in the terrorist attacks.