
Sean Payton is reinvigorated by training the young Denver Broncos team

The Denver Broncos undertook a major roster overhaul this past offseason, with a motto that could be described as “out with the old, in with the new.” In doing so, they went from being one of the oldest teams in the National Football League to being one of the youngest.

A large part of this was necessary, as the trade of Russell Wilson caused huge losses to the dead cap. But another major reason was to change the identity and culture of the team. All offseason, the Broncos coaching staff and players talked about their youth being an advantage. It may not be a substitute for experience, but it may make them hungrier to perform and progress.

Only time will tell whether this is the case during her 2024 campaign.

There's no doubt this year's team will have its ups and downs. Still, fans across Broncos Country seem to be much more open to it for the first time in many years. They believe the team is working toward something special instead of enduring the same old thing over and over again. In his 18th season as a head coach in the National Football League, longtime sideline commander Sean Payton talked about how the young Broncos have given him new energy.

“To your question, yes. I think one of the benefits of this job is that you get to work with young people. I think that's something we don't take lightly,” Payton explained.

While in the league it's mostly getting results on the field that pays off, coaches like Payton know the best part of their job goes beyond that.

“We have the opportunity to teach and coach and honestly we have the chance to change lives just like our high school and elementary school teachers did. That's really the best part, seeing someone progress and succeed. It's pretty fulfilling.”

A young team like Denver needs a head coach with experience and wisdom. Over the course of his career, Payton has demonstrated those things. The Broncos had a successful training camp, an undefeated preseason and are well prepared for their upcoming battle against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday.

You know what would revitalize Broncos Country after an eight-year doldrums? A season start with a win. That's what we're looking for to start the season off right.