
Catches a Colombian visiting an Iran: he has to pass through Envigado as a taxi driver

La Dijín and Interpol have captured Edwin Alexander Velásquez Celis, 40 years old, in the Aburrá Valley He was requested to be extradited by the Bajos de Bajos because the Colombian was convicted as the person in charge of the homicide squad from Iran Siamak Tadayon Tahmasbi. It starts because he captured Velásquez on June 6th in the city of Haarlem.

After several weeks on the Colombian track, the authors determine whether Velásquez is there Oculto en Envigado, en donde se hacía pasar by a taxista. Además, the man was captured by mistaken identity, The situation is that at some point she will be abroad in Europe before she becomes involved in crime.

There are versions on this site that indicate that Velásquez coordinated this The investigation of Iran together with other men. Without an embargo, the intellectual actors would be convinced And based on our experience, the Colombian's responsibility is determined.

Mayor Sergio Camacho, The international Interpol chief said the man had insulted Colombia I wanted to continue my normal life in Antioquia.

“Llega a donde se encuentra todo su círculo familiar, As a director in Medellín and in the municipality of Envigado, I had to work as a taxi drivera mover in a taxi and this way of driving away without being desperate kidnapped the uniformed man.

Una vez se conoció identidad de hombre and que habría salido países Bajos in the following days of the murder, Interpol sends the extradition order. Por ello, la Dijín came to Indagar hasta que logró dar with el paradero The man in the El Salado de Envigado neighborhood.

El presunto victimario fue puesto An order from the General Tax Office of the Nation initiating the extradition of Velásquez to the Países Bajos from the crime of intentional killing.