
Top 5 brand videos of the week: trampolines, time travel, potato pancakes

Welcome to our roundup of the most viewed brand videos on YouTube this week.

We publish this excerpt from a larger Gospel Stats Weekly Brand Report to analyze sponsorship trends in the creator economy. Any video published together with an official brand partner can be included in the ranking.

And – as the name suggests – all data comes from Gospel Statistics. If you want to learn more about Gospel – and know which brands sponsor which YouTubers – click here.

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After taking AMP at number 1 last week, MrBeast is nowhere to be seen this week Gospel Stats Weekly Brand ReportInstead, Sciencetubers dominated the sponsored content, with Veritasium and won not just one, but two places, an “atomic trampoline” in first place and Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell He returns with a video that he says will make physicists “very grumpy” (and judging by the comments, he’s right).

#1 Build a nuclear trampoline
Channel: NileRed
Brand: opera
Views: 6,317,276

If you hear the words “atomic trampoline” and imagine an ultra-bouncy backyard surface that might land you in the emergency room – well, it’s not, but we totally agree. We’ve learned a lot from NileReds video this week – which, in contrast to Kurzgesagt's video, many physicists U.N-grumpy because he spends an hour going in-depth about the process of making an atomic trampoline. The process uses a layer of amorphous metal to make a metal ball bounce up and down significantly more than it would on a regular stainless steel cylinder, and it takes an impressive amount of lab work to get it right. NileRed takes viewers into his lab and shows them all the steps to make the trampoline work, and the end result is pretty cool. His video, like more than 30 others this week, is sponsored by Browser opera.

#2 What everyone misunderstands about airplanes
Channel: Veritasium
Brand: Ground News
Views: 5,691,539

To teach us even more things we don’t know, Veritasiumin his first of two videos this week. This 20-minute upload is a hodgepodge of aeronautical information, answering frequently asked questions on everything from whether airplane doors can be opened during flight to whether airplane mode on phones actually does anything to why food tastes worse in the sky to the ins and outs of how jet engines work. It features several expert interviews and a few case studies of famous flights gone wrong—but don't worry, Veritasium caps it all off with one final Q&A: Is it safe to travel on an airplane? (Spoiler: yes.) His videos have two different sponsors, this one being the news aggregator Ground Newswhose presence on YouTube is growing as the election approaches. This week, the company sponsored over 50 videos.

#3 We have traveled back in time. Now the physicists are angry.
Channel: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Brand: Brilliant
Views: 4,743,132

Okay, here is the video of the angry physicists. Why are they angry? Well, In short takes extremely complex concepts of our universe and not only simplifies them, but also “lies a little bit” about them, he jokes. Basically, he posits that because we're moving through space faster than the speed of light here on Earth, we're actually traveling back in time… even though we're aging forward. (We're not physicists, so please don't be mad at us too if we got this wrong.) Some experts chimed in in the comments, with one explaining, “Moving faster than light doesn't NECESSARILY mean you're moving back in time. What it does mean is that you're moving forward in time in some frames of reference, backward in time in others, and 'stationary in time' in still others.” Ah, science. This video, like many of Kurzgesagt's, is appropriately sponsored by the online learning platform Brilliant.

#4 Why democracy is mathematically impossible
Channel: Veritasium
Brand: Brilliant
Views: 3,746,151

Just in time for the upcoming presidential election, VeritasiumThe second video of the week (also sponsored by Brilliant) is a somewhat grim look at whether true democracy is mathematically possible. He examines various structures of the current United States electoral system and discusses case studies such as the Bush-Gore election, in which people in Florida who voted for a candidate further to the left than the Democrats Ralph Nader ultimately helped elect the Republican Bush. We will reveal a little here: He concludes that majority voting systems Do make democracy mathematically impossible, and since the US is doing just that, we're in a bind. But we'll let him explain the math behind that claim.

BONUS #2,305 6 Awesome Tater Tot Recipes You MUST TRY! From casseroles, stir-fries, appetizers, and more!
Channel: In the kitchen with Mama Mel
Brand: June's journey
Views: 26,775

Mama Mel also made our list twice this week. The East Tennessee native says her goal is to “see our families gathered around our dinner tables again, eating together and making memories.” Since April 2021, she's been uploading recipe videos, focusing on easy-to-make dishes with readily available ingredients — like bags of frozen hash browns. Look, we're all for culinary content that gets people Whole foods and buy a lot of fresh vegetables and meat to make a three-course meal that takes a whole day to prepare, but many people just don't have the money or time to do that, and Momma Mel understands that. This video is sponsored by Detective Mobile Game June's journey (also sponsored #1,752), while her second video, 3 NEW quick and easy casserole recipes for dinnerwas sponsored by a meat and seafood supplier Good cut.

…and there is a lot more data that this comes from. If you want to know more about Gospel – and which brands sponsor which creators on YouTube – click here.