
Keep an eye on these states

Believe it or not, state primaries are still taking place even though the general election is just eight weeks away. Elections in Delaware, New Hampshire and Rhode Island on Tuesday will end the 2024 primary season.

So who is running for office and in which state?

A voter carries his ballot out of a voting booth during the U.S. presidential primary in Manchester, New Hampshire, on February 11, 2020.

Area Codes in Delaware

Two prominent Democrats are leaving office and vacating their seats for new candidates. The resignations of U.S. Senator Tom Carper and Delaware Governor John Carney left the field open for contested primaries on both sides of the aisle.

Democratic U.S. Representative Lisa Blunt Rochester and Republican former Walmart executive Eric Hansen are seeking to replace Carper. They are running unopposed for their parties' nominations and will not appear on the ballot on Tuesday.

Register to vote: Text with USA TODAY elections team.