
Islamic Council of Imams condemns Hamas for extremism

The Global Imams Council has issued a statement condemning the killing of hostages by Hamas terrorists.

The statement, posted on the Global Imams Council's social media account X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, September 1, 2024, called Hamas' actions “barbaric.” It said: “We are deeply saddened and outraged by these heinous killings, which violate all principles of humanity, religious teachings and international law.”

The Global Imams Council acknowledged that targeted attacks on civilians violate not only the laws of Islam but also the Geneva Conventions.

The statement, delivered at the Islamic Seminary in Najaf, Iraq, holds Hamas solely responsible for “the deaths and suffering of all innocent people who have lost their lives since October 7, as its actions have not only brought death and destruction to the region, but have also led to immeasurable suffering among the Palestinian people.”

In addition, the Global Imams Council reiterated its stance that “the regime in Iran is equally responsible for these tragedies, as its continued support and approval of Hamas’s actions perpetuates violence and instability in the region.

Global Imams Council (Source: GLOBAL IMAMS COUNCIL)

The Global Imams Council is an NGO that had already caused a stir in the Muslim world by voting unanimously to adopt the IHRA working definition of anti-Semitism.

A call to action

The statement concluded with a heartfelt message to the families of the victims of the war between Israel and Hamas and a call to all religious leaders to stand against Hamas' terror “and work tirelessly towards a future in which peace, justice and respect for all human life are the foundations of our common existence.”