
Gordon Ramsay's chef dies after brutal attack at carnival

Gordon Ramsay has had to go through a lot of troubles in the last year. Squatters broke into one of his restaurants. Ramsay was involved in a bicycle accident in which he was seriously injured. But all of that pales in comparison to a recent incident in which one of his chefs was beaten to death.

Here's a look at what happened to Mussie Imnetu at the Notting Hill Carnival.

Gordon Ramsay's chef dies after beating at carnival

Mussie Imnetu, 41, worked as a chef for Gordon Ramsay during his career. However, on August 26, he attended the Notting Hill Carnival and died as a result of a severe beating.

Gordon Ramsay |

According to Julian Winship, prosecuting, Mussie Imnetu was outside the Dr Power restaurant in Queensway on August 26. At that point, a man named Omar Wilson, 31, allegedly attacked Mussie and headbutted him before allegedly…