
When do temperatures get cooler in Utah?

SALT LAKE CITY — Utah is expecting lower temperatures, some showers and some smoke this week.

Meteorologist Jon Wilson of the National Weather Service in Salt Lake City says southwest winds will bring some moisture to the state.

“We will notice the biggest change here from Sunday. But it will continue like this on Monday and Tuesday. [there] “The chance of showers and thunderstorms will be slightly higher,” Wilson said.

Wilson says that while we will see some smoke from the California fires, it will not be nearly as bad as last week.

“[We’ll see] fairly limited smoke concentrations, but visibility will be somewhat limited by the haze. But nothing compared to what we experienced here this summer.”

Temperatures have been in the high 30s for the first week of September. According to Kevin Eubank of KSL Weather, those temperatures will begin to drop by mid-week.

“A cold front will move through mid-week, bringing some thunderstorms and dropping our temperatures to 21 to 25 degrees Celsius,” he said.

Despite the drop in temperatures, fall colors won't appear for several weeks, says Matt Johnson of KSL Weather. However, some fall colors were spotted in the Midway Mountains this weekend.