
Former Spirit Airlines employees explain the reasons for the virus outbreak and yell at passengers about flight delays

The Spirit Airlines employee who became angry at passengers at a California airport in July has revealed why she and her supervisor lost their temper after they were both fired over the incident.

“Every day I feel guilty about what I did,” former Spirit Airlines customer service representative Jane Barrow told Inside Edition on Tuesday.

Barrow was the employee who made headlines in July when she was caught on video yelling at passengers at Hollywood Burbank Airport to “shut up,” and that she and her colleagues at Spirit were “frustrated as hell” during the heated exchange.

Former Spirit Airlines customer service representative Jane Barrow was fired following the viral outbreak. Kevin Eis / Inside Edition

Her supervisor, Razia Singh, who was also fired from Spirit after she was seen acting agitated toward travelers, said they tried to do their job as best they could under the circumstances.

“I was trying to pick up the pieces,” Singh told the outlet, saying she tried to “explain to the crowd, 'I'm doing everything I can, give me a second.'”

Barrow said the tense situation was caused by technical problems at the airline that made it impossible to check in passengers.

“The computers were down, we couldn't check in passengers, we couldn't take luggage, we couldn't assign seats,” Barrow said. “And we were overbooked.”

The tension at the gate only increased because the flights of around 300 passengers were delayed – and some angry travelers had already been stuck in the airport terminal for eight hours, the former Spirit employees reported.

Barrow's boss, Razia Singh, was also fired from Spirit Airlines. Kevin Eis / Inside Edition

Barrow then tried to take control of the situation by addressing the anxious passengers crowded around the gate counter demanding answers, but the “pressure” caused her to lose her composure.

“I think it was just everything. It was just the pressure, nobody was listening,” Barrow told the outlet.

Barrow said she wishes she had handled the situation differently and feels bad about her reaction, but she understands why Spirit fired her for her “over the top” yelling.

The former airline employee said she got a new job at a crowd management firm but believes Singh's dismissal from the company was unjustified.

The former Spirit employees reported that the tension at the gate had become even more intense because the flights of around 300 passengers had been delayed and some angry travelers had already been stuck in the airport terminal for eight hours. Inside Edition

At no point in the video is Singh shown shouting at customers during the heated exchange in July.

She seemed merely agitated by the situation and tried to make her voice clear as she addressed the crowd.

“I understand if you could let me go, but [Singh] go? She wasn't the one who projected very loudly,” said Barrow, who was sitting next to Singh and began wiping tears from her eyes over her dismissal by Spirit.

“She tried to downplay an already crazy situation.”

Singh became emotional as he spoke about being fired over the incident. Inside Edition

It is unclear whether Singh has found a new job since his dismissal.

Singh said she knew Barrow's handling of the situation was “wrong,” but in that moment she did not fully demonstrate what a caring person she really is.

“She still wished me the best,” Singh told the outlet with tears in his eyes.

“That’s just the way she is, I can’t be mad at her.”