
DC City Councilman charged with accepting $156,000 in bribes, pleads not guilty

DC Council Member Trayon White pleaded not guilty to bribery charges in federal court Thursday afternoon.

White, who represents the 8th District, is accused of accepting $156,000 in bribes in exchange for influencing Washington, D.C. authorities and awarding violence intervention contracts to an employee who, unbeknownst to White, was an FBI informant.

White's arraignment took place shortly after 12:30 p.m. in U.S. District Court.

Although White did not speak during the trial, his defense attorney, Frederick Cook, entered a not guilty plea on his behalf.

The bribery allegations stem from White allegedly using his position to secure contracts for his partner that were intended to settle disputes before they escalated into violence. The council member has not commented publicly on the corruption allegations.

Outside the courtroom, Cook was very tight-lipped when asked by reporters about the amount of evidence the defense would have to examine.

“I can't talk about that,” Cook said when asked about the amount of evidence in the case.

White has not commented on the allegations and left the courthouse without answering reporters' questions. His case will continue in November.