
Despite Republican outrage, Germany mocks Donald Trump again – POLITICO

“Whether we like it or not, the German energy system is fully functional and consists of more than 50 percent renewable energy,” the ministry wrote. “And we are closing coal and nuclear power plants – instead of building them. Coal will be off the grid by 2038 at the latest.”

Referring to Trump's debunked claim that illegal immigrants in Ohio were eating people's pets, the department added an eye-opening barb: “PS: We don't eat cats and dogs either.”

Despite opposition from Trump's allies, including his former ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, who accused Berlin of “blatant election interference,” the department persisted with its aggressive approach.

Responding to Trump's “disinformation” with “facts and humor” is the “right answer,” wrote German European Affairs Minister Anna Lührmann on Thursday. “As democrats, we can no longer tolerate false statements going uncommented.”

“We have stopped using nuclear power and are burning less coal than we have since the 1960s. And our energy supply is and will remain stable,” she added.

Trump and Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris are currently in a neck-and-neck race for the White House. Polls in several swing states show that the outcome is too close to predict a winner.